Woman conducting census polling

Another Successful Census Year!

We all know that the Census comes every 10 years and has been good to IBVI in the past. The 2020 Census was no different, in the fact that they remembered IBVI, and came back. We were able to supply thousands upon thousands of the saddle bags that the Census takers use when they are out collecting data. This provided some great labor for our production group. To have enough people to take on the task of data collection, the Census needed to recruit over one million people to apply for jobs. For this effort, IBVI supplied beanies, drawstring bags, lanyards, magnets, pens, water bottles, and many other items available in 15 different languages. These items were used at job fairs around the country to help in the recruiting events.

IBVI also launched a successful program through our IBVI Supply division. Headed up by our fantastic customer service team, the Census was able to set up four master users to place orders to supply office products to the Census offices all over the country. This program will generate close to million dollars in sales!

Then 2020 went from not so different to different. It is safe to say that the world changed and we had to change with it. Because of the relationship that we already had, and the level of success we already achieved with the Census, we received a call in late March asking if we could supply any PPE items. This was something new for us, but I knew we were up to the task. Due to the pandemic, the AbilityOne Commission was able to open a new channel for government agencies to purchase PPE items through AbilityOne. Away we went! Between masks, wipes, personal sanitizers and gallon sanitizers, we have supplied over 40 semi trailers full of product! The revenue created by these extra sales will be a huge boost to our ability to purchase new adaptive equipment and machinery for our blind and visually impaired employees.

When managing accounts, there are always the few who get to be the ones who face the customer and hear the “thank you” directly. I was fortunate to be one that heard from the customer firsthand. I would often make sure the customer understood the strength of the team that we have behind the scenes. IBVI would not be successful without the full support of IBVI Custom, IBVI Spaces, IBVI Supply, customer service, contracting, procurement, pricing, production, accounting, quality, and shipping and receiving. So, to quote the customer, “Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!” Success like we have had cannot be done by a single person. It takes a team dedicated to providing the best possible service to make the customer’s experience second to none. I think it is safe to say that we will be remembered as a top supplier when 2030 rolls around. Great job everyone!

Andy Kulich

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