IBVI employees visit City Hall to meet with Mayor Tom Barrett and receive the proclamation
The blind and visually impaired community recently received some well-deserved recognition in Milwaukee, as Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett made an official proclamation declaring May 7, 2019, to be “Blind Employment Awareness Day” throughout the city. Barrett met with two members of the Industries for the Blind and Visually Impaired (IBVI) team in his office at City Hall before reading and signing the official proclamation.
The proclamation came about as a part of a concerted effort from IBVI to bring attention to the blind workforce and build a stronger connection with the city of Milwaukee and all of southeastern Wisconsin. IBVI applied for the proclamation through the city and was granted the honor, which extends beyond the walls of IBVI to the entire blind and visually impaired community in the Milwaukee area.
“This day is a time for our city and our businesses to learn how to better support the blind community through employment opportunities,” said IBVI CEO CJ Lange. “We’re one of many companies that value employment of the blind, but we’re proud to have a unique mission that—above all else—serves to employ and empower people who are blind and visually impaired.”
IBVI has been rooted in the Milwaukee community since its founding in 1952, and now has four facilities in southeast Wisconsin.
Two IBVI employees represented the organization in the Mayor’s office for the proclamation meeting: IBVI Customer Service Operations Manager Danielle McCann and IBVI Chief Manufacturing & Logistics Officer Pat Crain. They talked briefly with Mayor Barrett about IBVI, and specifically about their unique experiences at the organization, especially Danielle who is blind.
The proclamation meant a lot to Danielle and to the entire blind and visually impaired community.
“The proclamation is important to employees with visual impairments because it speaks to the Mayor’s commitment to inclusivity of people who have disabilities,” said Danielle. “A lot of the time we’re left out of the conversation, especially when it comes to the political arena, and so the fact that the Mayor made it such a big deal is a huge step.”
A news crew from NBC affiliate WTMJ Channel 4 was also on hand to cover the event, showcasing it on their evening news broadcast that night.
For more information on Milwaukee’s Blind Employment Awareness Day, watch the video at the top of the page.