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Partner Spotlight: The Impact of Wisconsin Lions Camp

Our employees share their experiences from the BVI-friendly retreat

Getting out of your comfort zone often helps you grow. And, in a unique way, doing something new can make you feel most like yourself. That’s the experience several of our employees had when they visited the Wisconsin Lions Camp in Northern Wisconsin. It’s a special camp geared towards people with disabilities, and in the first week of June, the focus was specifically on adults who are blind or visually impaired.

The camp provides activities that range from archery to boating to ropes courses, all designed to give people fun, exhilarating experiences that they might not otherwise have.

And who better to share more about this exciting week of outdoor fun than some of our employees who were there? Below are their own words about what they did, and what it meant to them.

Cindy Alioto – Receptionist & Customer Service Coordinator: “The Wisconsin Lions Camp is one of the best in the United States. They treat us blind adults with such respect and let us try things that most people would think that a blind person should or could not do. We test our limitations—and guess what—we can do whatever we put our minds to! The counselors are college kids so most of us could be their parents or even grandparents, but it works. We learn from each other and have a blast!” 

Nikki Wolf – Material Handler: “I really enjoy being outdoors in nature, seeing the trees and the flowers in the woods. I also loved taking many walks around the lake, as well as the outdoors activities, like archery. The adventure course is high up in the air, and the giant swing was so much fun.”

April Havey – Buyer II: “My time spent at Wisconsin Lions Camp this year was wonderful. I have known about it for around 5 years, about a year after moving to Wisconsin. But I never had the opportunity to go until now. It was well worth the wait. What drew me was the nature aspect. I have always loved the woods and being in and around water.”

Connecting with nature and yourself

A valuable takeaway from many of our employees at IBVI was the care and investment from the camp to provide them with a memorable week away from the daily grind. This is common for most people to feel refreshed when they “get away”, but for people who are blind or visually impaired, it means even more. 

What made this week stand out was the ability to take time, try something new, and feel something new, whether it was new music, meeting new people, or getting a new rush of emotion or adrenaline from an exciting activity.

Lucas Rice – Customer Service Representative: “I enjoyed the rope course and archery the most. Who doesn’t enjoy shooting arrows at targets? I’ve done archery a few times at other places in the past, but it was probably for a total of 8-10 minutes. So the past experiences were very quick and over before you could really learn much. I think that’s one of the best things about Lions Camp. You don’t just get five minutes of archery or whatever activity you choose. You can get two hours of said activity, if you really want.

April: “I find it hard to believe just how much was packed into four days! The staff were very friendly and helpful upon arrival and offered to show me around with a tour of the property. My guide dog and I picked up on the layout after a few repetitions to where I could get to the various activities with little issue. The activities director did a great job of offering a good variety of events, from a more leisurely pace to the very active.”

Cindy: “I always tell people it is my week away from family, work, volunteering and stress of just life and its challenges. Don’t get me wrong, I love them all, but it’s nice to just relax and not constantly think about what needs to be done.”

Taking a chance

Whether it’s someone’s first time at the camp or their family has been attending for years, everyone had ringing endorsements of their experience. And even for one employee, they made a new friend and provided advice.

April: “It was a jam-packed week. but I wish it was just a bit longer. I would highly recommend trying this out for yourself to see just what Lions Camp has to offer.”

Nikki: “I met a new camper who is recently visually impaired. We talked about resources that are out there for them.”

Cindy: “I have been attending camp for 12 years as an adult. I was not blind as a child but my brother and sister were so they attended as children in the late 60’s and early 70’s. The best part about Lions Camp is you get to see friends once a year from all over the state of Wisconsin. We catch up on our lives, share new adaptive technology and enjoy each other’s company!”

Living life together

At IBVI, we invest in our employees, not just professionally, but as people. We want to provide employment that enriches their lives and makes them feel connected to a community. The Wisconsin Lions Camp, as you’ve seen from our employees themselves, is an excellent partner in bringing joy and opportunity to those who are blind or visually impaired.To learn more about Wisconsin Lions Camp, visit their website at .

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