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IBVI awards on a table

Award Celebration Picnic

At the beginning of the calendar year, planning for IBVI’s Annual Award Celebration was underway. We had a venue selected, awards ordered, and we were in the process of deciding food options. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic hit in the middle of March. As a result, we made the decision to postpone our event. As time progressed, there was hesitation with holding the event at an indoor location; hence the idea of combining the Annual Award Celebration with our Annual Summer Picnic was born.

We were fortunate with beautiful weather the day of our celebration. Rhythms from Chuck Lange’s guitar filled the air as everyone gathered for a savory BBQ lunch from Maxie’s. In order for remote employees and employees sitting far from the stage to be included in the award presentations, the event was live streamed and also shown on video displays. Employees receiving awards were honored with speeches from leadership outlining reasons they were personally selected for each award. Applause and cheers from the IBVI employee crowd resonated through the tent after each speech. It was a fantastic event, and a great example of how IBVI can come together and persevere through any unexpected challenge. Congratulations to IBVI’s 2020 Award recipients!

Written by: Connie Knutson, Human Resources Manager

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