Creating a better, brighter community

At Industries for the Blind and Visually Impaired (IBVI), we’re proud to help provide useful resources for people who are blind and visually impaired—as evidenced by our partnerships throughout the community.

Woman getting off of a city bus with a cane

Fostering a progressive environment

Through partnerships, thought leadership, and engagement, IBVI transcends “business” by redefining “community.” Through our partnerships, we are able to create an environment of change and improvement for the blind and visually impaired. And many of our partners look to IBVI as the real-world testing ground for new technologies used in manufacturing and office professions.

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We have partnered with Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) to provide safe, efficient transportation for IBVI employees. Thanks to an on-site bus shelter and programs like the Go! Pass, many of IBVIs visually impaired employees can ride to work independently and confidently.

eSight logo

Through our partnership with eSight, we’re working towards the realization of a technology that will bring about a true shift in our community: a wearable assistive device that allows the visually impaired to see.

vision forward association logo
Vision Forward empowers visually impaired individuals and their families by offering education about vision loss, as well as the support system and resources that are available to them. IBVI has become an integral part of that support system by providing blind professionals with the opportunity to grow and develop life skills through meaningful employment.
rescue 22 foundation logo
habitat for humanity logo
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Center for deaf blind persons inc logo
UW Milwaukee logo
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Operation Backpack logo
Good Samaritan outreach center logo
live @ the lakefront logo
Lions International logo
White Cane Safety Day logo
The Seeing Eye logo
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Able Audio & Braille Literacy Enhancement logo
Wisconsin Council of the Blind & Visually Impaired logo
Leader Dogs for the Blind logo
Wisonsin Bold logo
Camp Leo Lions International - Hilton Head Island logo
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Sav-A-Vet Veterans Fundraiser

Tap into the Fun Beer Barrels

Rock County Railers

Wisconsin Blind Bowling Association

Our Mission

Our mission can be distilled into five simple core statements:

  • Create and grow employment opportunities for people who are blind or visually impaired.
  • Provide the best, most cost-effective industrial supplies and friendly customer service.
  • Be the leading voice in educating businesses on how to create, design, and build accessible workplaces for the blind and visually impaired.
  • Balance job creation, capital investments, and profitability while adhering to regulatory requirements. ISO 9001:2015 certified.
  • Create an open, collaborative environment that fosters innovative business ideas, engages employees, and adds a true sense of belonging.
Woman walking down a city street with a cane

Keep up with IBVI

Kevin Fortune in an office setting.

Employee Spotlight: Creating Lasting Change in Workforce Development

IBVI employee handing a bag of supplies to a man in a military uniform.

Fun Facts about Our BSC Stores

Woman using a white cane exiting a public bus.

Advocating for Accessibility

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